Please read this page thoroughly, to ensure that you are safe to have Kambo.

Once you have read this page in its entirety and you can confirm that you are safe, please fill out the form below if you would like to book a session, and I will be in touch shortly.

If you have any contraindications but would still like to sit in ceremony, I would love to discuss other options with you.

 Kambo Contraindications

Please be advised that you should NOT have kambo if...

  • You have a heart condition, or have had heart surgery (this includes pacemakers)

  • You have had a stroke or brain haemorrhage

  • You have history of esophageal rupture

  • You have an active brain injury/concussion (depending on severity)

  • You have epilepsy

  • You have pancreatitis

  • You have kidney, liver, or Addison’s disease

  • You have blood clots or an aneurism, or are taking medication for varicose veins

  • You are recovering from a major procedure

  • You are on low blood pressure medication

  • You suffer from serious mental health conditions such as mania, bi-polar disorder, and schizophrenia

  • You are undergoing chemo or radiation, or have done so within the last 6 weeks

  • You are pregnant, or breastfeeding an infant under 6 months old

  • You are fasting, or are at the end of a fast/detox

  • You are taking certain medications and herbs

  • You are under 18 years of age

Please tell me if you have been diagnosed with Lyme’s disease or any other autoimmune disorder, if you drink on a regular basis, are still experiencing symptoms of a concussion/brain injury, if you’re taking immune suppressants for organ transplant, or if you have an active opiate or barbiturate addiction.


Avoid colonics, enemas, liver flushes and water based detoxes for 3 days on either side of your Kambo session to avoid electrolyte depletion.

Please refrain from consuming alcohol or any recreational drugs for at least 3-5 days before and after Kambo.
If you have recently had 5-MEO-DMT experience (within 2 weeks), I will not serve you, as this can be very dangerous.

Sitting with Kambo within 3 days after an Ayahuasca journey is not recommended. However, so long as you are consuming enough salt/trace minerals, it can be beneficial to sit with Kambo beforehand.

For those with a uterus, sitting with this medicine during your monthly bleed can be uncomfortable, as it can increase bleeding and cramping.

If you have recently been vaccinated for Covid19, it is recommended to wait at least 4 weeks (up to 8 weeks) before having Kambo.

Please do not come to me if you are on a LOW SODIUM diet. It is essential you are consuming enough sea salt/trace minerals, to lower the risk of hyponatremia.

Your transparency, honesty and integrity are very important for this screening.

If you have a medical condition, please consult with your doctor about Kambo.

*Please note that I am a Kambo practitioner; I am not a doctor or medical professional of any kind. I do not diagnose disease, treat physical or mental health issues, offer health advice, or prescribe medications. I advise you to do your own research to see if Kambo is right for you.